Hire Mike Rice, — World-famous Copywriter. Sort of.

Ask for Kasasa, broadcast

Goal: Concept, script and create three all-new television spots and 10+ radio commercials on a combined budget of under $400,000, casting only non-union talent. The broadcast component of the campaign was intended to drive interest and capture attention, while satisfying diverse individual bank & credit union tastes.

NOTE: Freedom Institution is a fictional placeholder for hundreds of smaller financial institutions who used these spots across the United States.

  1. Must live conceptually with print campaign where possible.

  2. Needs to be flexible enough to allow for product-specific, benefit-specific and general branding radio spots. TV imagery should be inclusive, as not to alienate banks and credit unions of differing demographics.

  3. Allow for consistent voiceover and integrated branding between TV, print & radio. (Selection of TV and radio spots featured below.)

ForTV, radio

Make You Dance, :30 TV

Golden Money Retreiver, :60 radio

Happiness, World Peace & More Sun, :60 radio

Kasasa Cash Rocket, :60 radio

Rich Old Scrooge, :60 radio

I also wrote the rest of the campaign's TV & radio ads, just a lot to feature here.